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Start Saving… Save the Planet while you recycle household materials for fun and learning! They are essential for so many Purple Cow @ Home activities like making junk sculptures, an obstacle course, puppets and puppet stages, a marble raceway, or a family photo tree.

Items that appear to be useless can be totally transformed. For example, jar lids can turn into photo frames; egg carton cups can become puppet faces and cardboard tubes can serve as the crossbars for a decorative mobile! Start saving those leftover wrapping paper and tissue paper “scraps” for an artsy collage. There are so many examples of “beautiful junk.”

The easiest place to store these items rescued from the recycling bin is a shopping bag; as these are portable with carrying handles, they can be hung on any door knob in your house or apartment! Here is a list of what to pop into your shopping bag.

Purple Cow Tip:
Don’t toss wrappings from gifts you receive…roll them up and add them to your bag of saved materials.